# Guide

The goal of InfyWeb is convert your web in android and iOS app.

# Technologies Used

This system uses multiple technologies to give the best possible experience.

  • PHP with Laravel Framework
  • MySQL 5.6+
  • jQuery
  • Ajax

# Installation Guide

We tried our best to make the installation of the system as easy as possible. System Requirements It is assumed that you have primary knowledge Laravel installation knowledge since this application is built on Laravel.

# System Requirement

It is assumed that you have primary knowledge Laravel and JS application installation knowledge since this application is built on Laravel with JS.

You can read about laravel Requirements here (opens new window)

You need update below variables in php.ini file if you want to send bigger files (Optional).

upload_max_filesize = 50M

max_file_uploads = 50

post_max_size = 100M

# Setup InfyWeb System

If you have purchased the InfyWeb system then you will be able to find the zip named dist.zip.

If you want to setup InfyWeb into your local environment then you can take help from here.

Now if you want to setup InfyWeb on your server then you can directly copy the dist.zip folder to your web root directory on server and the following steps:

# 1. Copy files to web server

Upload dist.zip to your web server's root (public_html) and extract it there.

# 2. Setup Default DB

  1. Open PHPMyAdmin on your server and do a login.
  1. Click on the Databases tab.
  1. Create a new database and specify a Database name of your choice and Click Create button.
  1. Now on the left, select the database (infy_vcards) OR the one that you have created.
  2. Click Import in the top menu
  1. Under Import, choose the default sql file from dist/database/infy_vcards.sql and click button Go.

# 3. Setup environment .env file

  1. Open .env file from your server's root folder.

Setup Default DB

  1. Update your .env file

You need to change the following information into your environment (.env) file.

Make sure your app name wrapped between Quotes ("APP NAME").

- APP_NAME - Name of your Application
- APP_URL - Change this URL with your server URL (including trailing path if you are putting it in sub folder or root website)
- DB_HOST - Put your database hostname here
- DB_PORT - Put your database port here if it does not default to 3306
- DB_DATABASE - Change it to your database name
- DB_USERNAME - Name of your database user
- DB_PASSWORD - Password of your database user

You will also need to set up mail configuration, you can read more about here for that setup based on mail service that you use.


If you want to store your files to direct your s3 bucket then you have to use following .env variables. You need to change FILESYSTEM_DRIVER and MEDIA_DISK value to s3 when you are using AWS file storage.


Or you can use your choice of storage driver to store your media assets if you want. All of your attachments will be placed into that.

# 4. Admin login

You can do admin login by accessing given URL.


email: sadmin@vcard.com

password: 123456

# Setup InfyWeb into Local Environment

You can setup InfyWeb into your local by using both zip files, but we recommend to use dist file so you have to perform minimal steps.

Here are some steps to setup InfyWeb into your local environment :

# 1. Install xampp/wamp (if you don't have it).

# 2. Create folder InfyWeb

  • if you are using wamp then create InfyWeb folder under you_path_to_wamp/www/
  • if you are using xamp then create InfyWeb folder under you_path_to_xamp/htdocs/

# 3. Unzip dist zip to InfyWeb folder

# 4. Point the domain to the uploaded folder

You need to create virtual host first to setup InfyWeb. You can find steps here to create virtual host.

Point your domain or subdomain to the InfyWeb folder.

Please note that, InfyWeb must be installed on a primary domain or subdomain. Installing on a sub-folder will not work, for example:

    example.com/InfyWeb (Invalid)
    localhost/InfyWeb (Invalid) if you are putting it in sub folder or root website)
    example.com (Valid)
    local.InfyWeb.com (Valid)
    InfyWeb.test (Valid)

Open the link to the domain in the browser (Example: https://local.InfyWeb.com).